Well I bloody never..... (more of this later)
I was having a fairly low key, in fact VERY low key month on the local and patch. Birds have been pretty scarce down at the Orchard Centre.
The Kingfisher has been noticable by it's absence and there have been very few new arrivals, although the first Chiffchaff turned up last week. Huzzah!
Some water birds have been returning in good numbers though. At least 10 Moorhen and around 4 or 5 Coots. The Little Grebe put in a brief appearance. Otherwise it's been the usual cast of Mallards, Teal, Mute Swans and a few Lapwing.
And talking of Mallards, what was this one doing on the Barn Owl box?
What the duck? |
I went off patch by a couple of miles or so when a couple of Common Cranes turned up at Ashleworth Ham but I dipped 5 times on the Garganey in the same place!
Cranes at Ashleworth |
In some kind of fit of middle aged, bobble-hatted stupidity I bought myself a moth trap.
Yep, a moth trap.
Not like a killing machine for Lepidoptera. Just a simple light-box thingy to attract our little night butterfly friends.
Well, I thought, why not.
It seemed like a bargain and got a free beard and pair of National Health spectacles to go with it!
Anyway, I've only gone and found myself a rare moth!
Talk about beginner's luck.
Third night out and I've struck Gold. Not that I knew that. I can barely identify even the most common species at the moment, so I just post 'em up on Twitter and wait for the ID's to come to me.
Anyway, I put this rather shakey picture of a fairly unremarkable looking moth up and all of a sudden I'm in the centre of a Twitter storm.
Blimey, Charlie!
Barred Toothed-Striped and Hebrew Character |
Turns out that the Hebrew Character is of little consequence in the mothing world but Mr Barred Tooth-Striped on the left is a bit of a rarity in this neck of the woods.
In fact, it's only the 2nd time it's been seen in Gloucestershire since 1980.
If only I was this lucky with birds!
But that's not the end of it. Two nights later I caught another three! I've only gone and got myself a colony, Rodney!
But Ssssssh! Mum's the word. There are people out there who actually kill and collect rare moths. I don't want to be coming home from work and finding a garden full of homicidal bug collectors running amok.
That said, this could get addictive!