Sunday, 3 May 2015

April Round Up

Note to self: Update Blog more regularly. Leaving it to the end of the month is too much like hard work.

I'd say it's been a fairly quiet April but to be fair migrants have been coming through in good numbers.  First Chiffchaff, then Swallow, House Martins and Sand Martins too.
3 new patch ticks. Greylag Goose, Blackcap (can't believe I haven't had that before) and most bizarrely - House Sparrow! That takes my patch list up to 78.
Rather shakey Greylag Goose photo
Other notable birds have been Little Grebe, a pair of Tufted Duck (looks like they may be preparing to nest), a pair of Kestrels (definitely nesting), and a handful of Goldcrests.

Some recent photos:
Reed Bunting

April Hare

Pied Wagtail

First swallow arrives

The orchards burst into blossom
Although the weather has still been a little on the chilly side, the first Damselflies have put in an appearance:
Large Red Damselfly

Large Red Damselfly

Next update due soon!