Sunday, 21 April 2013

A late visit today. I didn't get here until after 6pm but it was another calm, glorious sunny evening.
I spent the first 20 minutes sat in the hide watching the Mute Swan terrorising a pair of Canada Geese. Like some school yard bully he chased one, then the other goose, relentlessly. I concluded that they were either strong willed or plain stupid as they just kept coming back for more. A gaggle of Mallards sat and watched the proceedings with some amusement, quacking their approval (or maybe disapproval?) as the swan lunged out.
Unfortunatley I only had my fixed 400mm lens and couldn't get both birds into the same frame but I think the swan's body language says it all! (click photo to enlarge)
A single Stock Dove flew over during the proceedings pushing my patch list to 52.
There were less birds generally this evening. Most of the Teal seemed to have moved on and only one Snipe was evident. However, I saw 3 Reed Buntings and Chiffchaff were plentiful.
I ended the evening trying (unsuccesfully) to get a photo of a singing male Yellowhammer, high up in an oak tree but obscured by branches and I just couldn't get the focus right. I had to settle for simply notching up No.53 on the list.
I'm happy with that.

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