Tuesday, 11 June 2013

One of those days

I have this theory that if you spend enough time in an unremarkable place then one day something truly remarkable will happen.
Today was not that day.
In fact, as unremarkable days go, this was the mother of them all.
I took a late afternoon visit to the patch after the rain cleared and the winds had died down a little (yes, it looks like summer is over. It was never going to last was it?)
There were very few birds to be seen. A few Swallows, a couple of Mallards, a Mute Swan and some singing Chiffchaffs and Whitethroats. Otherwise....... nothing.
I thought, "Never mind, I'll find some dragonflies instead". Although not as elusive as the birds, the weather has been unkind to them today so numbers were far from abundant. There were a few Large Red and Common Blue Damselflies and 3 or 4 large dragonflies that I simply couldn't get close enough to either photograph or identify. I did eventually manage to catch up with two Broad Bodied Chasers but the photos were disappointingly blurry. These are beautiful creatures some I'm including a photograph from a previous jaunt here:
Broad Bodied Chaser (female)
And one from today!
Common Blue Damselfly
So, dragonflies aside, a truly unremarkable day.
But I'm ever the optimist and I know something remarkable is on it's way. I can feel it my water (although that may just be the bladder infection).

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