Saturday, 11 October 2014

Anything About?

I promised my daughter I'd take her to see the kingfisher this weekend, so being the dutiful dad that I am I dragged her out of bed (at a "ridiculously early" hour - must of been at least 10:30!) and marched her, at gunpoint, down to the Orchard Centre hide.
"Right, you're in charge of the camera", I told her. Bit of a no-brainer really. She takes far better photographs than me.
Entering the hide we made enough noise to flush a small flock of Mallards and 4 Snipe before settling down in anticipation (photo from a visit last week).
A pre-flushed Snipe.
I have had a couple of brief glimpses of a Grey Wagtail over the last week or so but it's never settled for a photograph.
Until today:
Grey Wagtail
2 Grey Herons were on site, one close enough for a shot for which my young photographic assistant allowed me to use the camera:
Grey Heron
and then....
"Dad! Dad! It's here!".
Get some photos then, girl!

One thing is for sure. You could never get bored of seeing a Kingfisher. What a beauty.

There were a few other birds around today: 8 Teal (in flight), 5 Buzzards soaring together on the thermals, a Kestrel, a Common Sandpiper, 2 Jays, a handful of Meadow Pipits, 2 Pied Wagtail, a Mistle Thrush, 2 Mute Swans, 27 Stock Dove and 4 Robins.
There are still quite a few dragonfly around as well, mainly Migrant Hawkers and Common Darters.
Female Migrant Hawker
All in all - a jolly satisfactory morning, with some good shots (none of which are mine!) and a great experience to share with my daughter.

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