The first chance I've had to visit the patch in over a week and I was a tad disappointed in how quiet it was.
The theme of the day was Warblers - or the lack of them. Not a Chiffchaff or Willow Warbler to be seen. what's going on?
However the lack of warbling was made up for by a flurry of activity from a group of some 15 Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, mostly first or second year birds, judging by the plummage.
A group of around 8 male Mallards were loafing around together near the reed beds. They reminded me of a bunch of bored teenagers.
Three Swallows passed over and then I was treated to a magnificent ariel display by a pair of House Martins. That was worth the trip alone. Now, you may think House Martins are nothing to get excited about. But these were not just House Martins. These were No.58 on the patch list. Huzzah!
The only other notable sightings today were a couple of soaring Buzzards and a Stock Dove nesting in one of the Barn Owl boxes.
Let's have a photo (note lack of birds):
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