Monday, 6 May 2013

Hare we go!

I could only manage a mid-afternoon visit today. This, for me at least, seems to be the worst time of day for birding. The birds are between morning and evensong, and on a warm day (yes it was!) they seem to evaporate in the heat.
So with a nagging sense of pessimism I began my "rounds".
As I thought, most of the birds were skulking in the hedgerows. Plenty of Chiffchaff heard but not seen, a Whitethroat, 2 Blackcaps.
On or around the main pond, as seen from the hide, were 2 Grey Herons, 2 Mute Swans, 4 Canada Geese (yes, Billy No-mates has found a girlfriend), a Moorhen, several Coot and 4 pairs of Mallards.
Interestingly there is also a near pure white duck with a single duckling in attendance. Probabaly an escaped domestic duck, but for all intents and purposes I'd say it's a white Mallard.
I then heard the unmistakable twittering of Linnets and thought "By Jove, that's No.57 in the bag!"
8 all together and they even paused for a photograph:

And then, the first of four Brown Hares bounded into view (that pale line on the photograph is not a fault. It's out of focus barbed wire! If I had the time I'd Photoshop it out!).

At least 30 Jackdaws were present today and although it's hardly a rarity I saw my first Rook on the patch (No. 58). A lovely male Kestrel, a pair of Reed Buntings and 4 Stock Dove and a Great Spotted Woodpecker rounded of the day...... almost.
As I got back to the roadside I caught site of a Collared Dove.
Not a bad afternoon after all.


  1. Hey Mate,
    your blog is much better than mine, it is now in my favorites , see you soon mate

    1. Ha! Ha! I wish! I don't get half the birds you do. I'd kill for a Wheatear or a Lesser Whitethroat. Hope to see you soon.
